AddIntel | Transfer - Advanced Technology

AddIntel - Encryption (SSL)

We implement an extended SSL Certificate.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates offer world-class data protection and ensure that all information transferred via AddIntel | Transfer is secure


  • Secure https://
  • SHA-2 and 2048-bit encryption
  • Browser padlock
  • £760000.00 warranty

AddIntel - Dedicated Server

Our dedicated UK-based servers deliver outstanding performance and provide total security. The servers are accessible only from the AddIntel | Transfer office and access is limited to 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.

Address Intelligence Technologies Limited (AddIntel)

AddIntel is Registered Company in England and Wales. Reg. No.10401742

AddIntel - Registered Address:
7-10 Chandos Street,

+44 (0)207 537 6564